Good Driving Behaviour Period
Did you lose all your demerit points and worry that you will lose your driver licence?
Well, you have a final chance before having your driver licence suspended, that is to elect for a “Good Driving Behaviour Period”.
At Ascent Lawyers, we understand the struggle of losing your driver licence especially when your daily living and work are dependent on your ability to drive. Opting for a Good Driving Behaviour Period is beneficial as it allows you to keep your driver licence and continue to drive so long as you comply with the rules.
1. What is a Good Driving Behaviour Period?
A good driving behaviour period is a one-year option for drivers who are facing licence suspension due to excessive demerit points within a certain timeframe. A person who is under a good driving behaviour period must not exceed more than 1 demerit point during the 1 year period.
2. When will I receive a Notice to Choose?
Once you have exceeded the maximum demerit point limits on your class of driver licence, the Queensland Transport Department will issue you an “Accumulation of Demerit Points – Notice to Choose” before your licence is suspended. You will have to elect for a:
- Licence suspension
- Good driving behaviour period of 1 year
Suspension period varies depending on the type of licence and demerit points you have accumulated.
3. What happens if I forgot to respond to “Notice to Choose”?
The Good Driving Behaviour Period will commence on the date you elect.
4. When does the Good Driving Behaviour Period commence?
The Good Driving Behaviour Period will commence on the date you elect.
5. Who is not eligible for a Good Driving Behaviour Period?
If you hold a Learner Licence, you are not eligible for a Good Driving Behaviour Period and your licence will be suspended for 3 months. You are not permitted to drive during this period and your licence will automatically be reissued at the end of your suspension period.
6. What happens if I get 2 or more demerit points during a Good Driving Behaviour Period?
If you get more than 2 demerit points during the 1 year period, you will receive a notice from the Transport Department before your licence is suspended for the double the requisite suspension period. The suspension period may also apply when you are upgrading your class or type of driver licence.
7. I got more than 2 demerit points during my Good Driving Behaviour Period, but I really need a driver licence.
You may be eligible to apply for a Special Hardship Order if losing your driver licence would put you and your family into extreme hardship. If you would like to enquire further about applying for a Special Hardship Order, please contact our experienced Traffic Lawyers and receive professional legal advice about your matter.