What to do and not to do after a car crash?

What to do and not to do after a car crash?

Published on 31 March 2021
Last updated on 1 February 2024

We’ve created this guide on what to do and what not to do after you’ve been in a car crash. The things you do after a car crash have significant influences on your case and the amount of compensation you can receive. No matter how minor or how serious the car crash was, you must really try your very best to remain calm and remember the following rules.


What to do and not to do after a car crash?


1. What you should do 

1.1 Stay at the scene of the car crash 

It does not matter who caused the car crash, you must remain at the scene of the crash.

Exception: Only if you had a crash in a remote or unpopulated location and you feel unsafe.


1.2 Check on the drivers and passengers

Please check on all people involved in the car crash, to see if anyone needs medical attention. If someone is seriously injured, call an ambulance as soon as possible.


1.3 Call the police

You must report the car crash to the police if:

  • there is damage to vehicles
  • someone else is injured or died


1.4 Exchange information

From all people involved in the car crash, you must record their:

  • name
  • mobile
  • address
  • driver’s licence number
  • license plate number
  • basic insurance information


1.5 Talk to witnesses

You really should go and speak to as many witnesses as possible. Record their names and contact details. Also ask them to give a summary of the car crash for your records.


1.6 Take pictures

When taking pictures of the crash, try to record as much information as possible. Photograph not only your car but also other cars involved in the crash. If it is safe, also photograph the surroundings.


What to do and not to do after a car crash?


1.7 Call your insurance company

Be open and honest with your insurance company about the car crash. Also make sure they receive a copy of the police report.


1.8 Record your medical treatments

You must maintain a record of the doctors you visited and the treatments you received. Please keep all invoices.


1.9 Get your car damage assessed

You can pick whichever car repair shop you are most comfortable with. The insurance company will review the car repair quotes.


1.10 Call Ascent Lawyers

If you are injured in the car crash, you will need a compensation lawyer to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. This would cover your medical expenses, lost wages and your pain and suffering. Give us a call, we are here to listen.

Curious to find out if you can make a claim after a car crash? Check out this article.

If you would like to know more about making an insurance claim after a car accident, visit this link.


What to do and not to do after a car crash?


2. What you should not do 

2.1 Leave the scene of the crash 

It does not matter who caused the crash, by leaving the scene, you can be labelled as a hit and run. This could lead to serious criminal penalties. In Queensland, failure to remain at a road accident, especially if someone was injured, could lead to 1 year in prison.


2.2 Move the injured or the unconscious

If anyone had sustained serious injuries or became unconscious, do not move them. Call an ambulance immediately.

Exception: unless they are in imminent danger, such as a car fire.


2.3 Say you are sorry

It might really feel counterintuitive, but do not apologize for anything while at the scene of the crash. By apologizing, it could be interpreted as admitting liability or accepting fault for the crash.


2.4 Intimidate people for information

When you speak to a witness, and they do not want to share their details, please do not force them. Be considerate and polite as possible and get their mobile number so that your lawyer can contact them in the future.


What to do and not to do after a car crash?


2.5 Photoshop images

Do not fabricate photos. Do not edit photos. This could break your case.


2.6 Lie to your insurance company

If you lie to your insurance company, they could deny your claim. This could cost you thousands of dollars.


2.7 Accept settlement offers

Before accepting any offers, you really need to get some legal advice. This is because, your injuries might not even show up weeks after the crash. By accepting a settlement offer during the early stages, you are denying yourself the chance to make a personal injury claim when your injuries turn out to be serious. If you received a settlement offer, please contact Ascent Lawyers for advice and a review of the offer.


2.8 Blasting the details online

Do not go on social media and share all the details of your car crash. This could really harm your case.



– End –

Special notice: This article is for informational purposes only and cannot be regarded as legal advice. Please contact us for specific advice tailored to your situation.

Disclaimer: Ascent Lawyers owns all copyright in the text. This article is of a general nature and should not be regarded as legal advice or relied on for assistance in any particular circumstance or emergency situation. To obtain legal advice in relation to your own circumstances, please contact us for consultation.

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