Car accidents: Statistics (2020)

Car accidents: Statistics (2020)

Published on 10 December 2020
Last updated on 30 January 2024

Statistics for car accidents in Queensland (2020)

showing important statistics for car accidents in Queensland

The most common injuries from car accidents are often minor and related to the spine.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you should visit your GP as soon as possible.

You might show no obvious symptoms even a few days after the car accident. This is completely normal, because the muscle damage caused by the violent impact of the car accident may take some time to gradually manifest. Therefore, it is absolutely vital for you to visit your GP after you’ve experienced a car accident.

You might be wondering if you can make a claim for compensation. Worry no more, you are entitled to make a claim in the following situations:

  • I am a passenger, the driver of the vehicle I was travelling on was at fault
  • I am a driver/passenger, the other driver was at fault and caused the accident
  • I am a driver/passenger, the other driver was drunk and caused the accident
  • I am a pedestrian/cyclist and I was hit by a car
  • The at fault driver hit and run

Most car accidents are rear-ending collisions and occur during the afternoon rush hours, Ascent Lawyers would like to remind everyone to drive with care.


Disclaimer: Ascent Lawyers owns all copyright in the text. This article is of a general nature and should not be regarded as legal advice or relied on for assistance in any particular circumstance or emergency situation. To obtain legal advice in relation to your own circumstances, please contact us for consultation.

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